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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

8th Hussars Leicester 1950

Dad and a friend sat relaxing on a wall at Leicester in 1950.

(Click on the photo to enlarge. High resolution versions are available)

The rear of the photo states 8th Hussars Leicester 1950.

(Click on the photo to enlarge. High resolution versions are available)

UPDATE (17/2/2005): Dad's younger brother Tom told me today that the gentleman sat next to dad at the right of this photograph was called Sergeant Maw. Tom thought his first name was John and was from Bridlington, East Yorkshire. Tom mentioned that dad and Sgt. Maw were very good friends. Tom also recalls that Sgt. Maw owned a 1929 Vauxhall with the battery located on the near side running board.

UPDATE (1/3/2005): I have come across another photo showing a gentleman who looks very similar to the man seated with dad in this photo. The rear of the new photo states Jack 1949 so I wonder if this is in fact Sergeant Jack Maw and not John as previosuly thought. The new photo can be viewed here.

UPDATE (5/3/2005): Bernard told me last night that Jackie Maw is still alive and lives in the south of the country. I look forward to receiving Jack's address so I can contact him and forward copies of the photos my father kept of him.